Some SoftNet works
With over 10 years of experience in providing professional Web development services, the SoftNet's portfolio is big, below are some professional Web applications services, web hosting services, domains registrations services, system admins services and business intelligence for clients in many countries across the globe.
Ipad Web App for promotion the Beer
Customer: Dix Digital Agency
Ipad Web App for promotion the Ron Barceló
Customer: Dix Digital Agency
Ipad Web App for the baseball game
Customer: Dix Digital Agency
Web App for promotion the Beer Presidente brand
Customer: Dix Digital Agency
App for christmas gifts of Jumbo brand
Customer: Dix Digital Agency
App for gifts of Megacentro Mall
Customer: Dix Digital Agency
Ipad Web App for promotion the Beer "The One" brand
Customer: Dix Digital Agency
Web App to their customer consult balances.
Customer: Dix Digital Agency
Web App for explore your branding elements.
Customer: Dix Digital Agency
Web App for a contest the Gas Station "La Isla"
Customer: Dix Digital Agency
Backend based in YII Framework
Customer: Dix Digital Agency
Backend based in YII Framework
Customer: Alejandro Taveras
Web of torrents download
Customer: Torrents
Ipad Web App for promotion the Beer
Customer: Dix Digital Agency
Laptop webb app
Customer:Dix Digital Agency
Web app based in Python/Django for manage customer and invoice
Customer:Dix Digital Agency
Web app for a promotion of Shell V Power
Customer: Dix Digital Agency
Web application for a promotion of Maggi
Customer: Dix Digital Agency
Web application for users make online budget.
Customer: Kreat Design
Web application for administration and manage loans
Web application for flights administration
Development, Design, Analytics
Customer: Pawa Dominicana
Web application for Risk Manager
Development, Design, Analytics
Customer: Pawa Dominicana
Web application for Sport Events Subscriptions
Development, Design, Analytics
Customer: Santo Domingo Corre
Web application for culture intership
Development, Design, Analytics
Customer: Ofit
Web application for sports events
Development, Design, Analytics
Customer: SDTickets
Rent Car Website for Dollar Rent A Car
Customer: Dix Digital Agency
Website for the Dominican Ron Barceló.
Customer: Dix Digital Agency
A responsive Website for the Church History.
Customer: Dix Digital Agency
Responsive ShowCases for photographer
Customer: Dix Digital Agency
Internet site.
Customer: Dix Digital Agency
Intranet for employees
Customer: Dix Digital Agency
Internet site for race competitors
Customer: Fuego
Internet site for Aremsa, Stored system.
Customer: Dix Digital Agency
Internet site for a Airline with flights reservation form.
Customer: Dix Digital Agency
Website for wedding planners.
Customer: Kreat Design & SoftNet Team
Internet website for Huawei promotions #quieroaccess.
Customer: Dix Digital Agency
Real Estate Website for Dream Home.
Customer: Dream Home Real Estate
Joomla implementation for a Real Estate Website.
Customer: Sin Intermediarios
Joomla implementation for a Real Estate Website.
Customer: Andres Martinez
Joomla implementation for a Real Estate Website.
Customer: María Ventura
Joomla implementation for a Real Estate Website.
Customer: Inmobiliaria Messon
Live Monarca Official WebSite.
Customer: Dílo Advertising
Shopping cart Website based in Joomla
Customer: Dix Digital Agency
Shopping Cart Website based in Joomla with eCollect Payment Gateway
Customer: Dix Digital Agency
Joomla implementation for Website Seguros Vivir
Customer: Dix Digital Agency
Joomla implementation for a Deals Website
Customer: Dix Digital Agency
Joomla implementation for Mercofact Website.
Customer: Dix Digital Agency
Joomla implementation for a Real Estate Website.
Customer: Sin Intermediarios
Joomla implementation for ETS Website.
Customer: ETS
Joomla implementation for a Real Estate Website.
Customer: Andres Martinez
Joomla implementation for Dix Digital Agency Web site.
Customer: Dix Digital Agency
Joomla implementation for Casa de campo Golf Web site.
Customer: Casa de Campo Golf
Joomla implementation for HVAH Web site.
Customer: Dix Digital Agency
Joomla implementation for MR&T Web site.
Customer: Fuego
Joomla implementation for Construrama Web site.
Customer: Dix digital agency
Joomla implementation for Hache Web site.
Customer:Dix Digital Agency
Joomla implementation for adocem Web site.
Customer: Dix digital agency
Joomla Implementation for a website of Plastic Surgery.
Customer: Dr. Losé León
Joomla Implementation for a website of Plastic Surgery.
Customer: Dr. Aramis Vega
Joomla Implementation for a website of Plastic Surgery.
Customer: Plastica
Joomla Implementation for a website of Plastic Surgery.
Customer: Kreat Design
Joomla Implementation for a website of Plastic Surgery.
Customer: Dr. Luis Fernandez Goico
Website in Joomla for a catalog of products.
Development, Design, Analytics
Customer:Dílo Advertising
Website in Joomla for a catalog of products.
Development, Design, Analytics
Customer: Dílo Advertising
Joomla implementation for a ONG website.
Development, Design, Analytics
Customer: Onerespe
Joomla implementation for Mey Tecsa Web site.
Development, Design, Analytics
Customer: Fuego
Joomla implementation for the Major of Santo Domingo City Roberto Salcedo
Development, Design, Analytics
Customer: Kreat Design
Joomla implementation for a Deals WebSite.
Just programming
Joomla implementation Internship Programs WebSite.
Just Programming
Customer: OFIT
Joomla implementation for Mude Fundation WebSite.
Just programming
Customer: MUDE
Customized Logistics to Everywhere
Customer: Incargo
Business Software implementation
Customer: JoS & Asoc.
WordPress implementation for Website Jorge Mora
Customer: Jorge Mora Beneyto
#Just Hosting Services
Customer:Vesuvio Restaurant Malecón
#Just Hosting Services
Customer:Le Tailleur
#Just Hosting Services and Domain Name
Customer:Ernesto Guzman